Performing Arts Ministries





In 1985 the Gilberts were called to move to Washington DC as music ministers for Christian Fellowship Church and officially launch Performing Arts Ministries. It was also prophesied that they would be called to minister to the nations. In 1991 Paula was invited by Dee Jepsen (wife of Senator Jepsen) to minister at an international  women’s conference in Sophie, Bulgaria and then in 1993 Darryl joined her to teach in an international  worship conference in the Sophie Concert Hall. Last  January, 25 years  later Paula again sang as guest soloist with Exploit’s  Ministries in Sophie. In the following years the Gilberts ministered in Peru,  Canada, England and Germany.  By 2004, the Gilberts started ministering with Peter and Christine Darg, founders of Exploits Ministries  at their home base in Jerusalem as well as, Jordan, Egypt, Italy and India. Paula was blessed to  be ordained by Christine in Shepards’ Field,  Bethelem, City of David in 2008.


April 15, 1989


Vision 1:

I was very excitedly standing in heaven before the Coronation jewel room which reminded me of the Tower of London and I attempted to enter but the gates were locked. Suddenly the Lord appeared and I asked if I might see the resplendent coronation jewels. When He gave me access to the room which was very large and filled with ornate glass jewel cases, I ran from case to case realizing they were all empty! I was perplexed and asked the Lord where the coronation jewels might be. He said “they were dispatched to earth in preparation for His coming coronation on earth”!


Scripture references:  Malachi 3:17;  Isaiah 62:3-5; 1 Peter 2:4-5;  Isaiah 54:11-15


Vision 2:

In my second dream/vision, my husband Darryl and I were standing in front of a large wooden stage where a worship rehearsal was just being completed. There was a large group of dancers arrayed in shimmering white worship garments (priests wear garments-performers wear costumes), magnificent banners hanging around the stage, some stationary others prepared for movement in worship. The singers were getting off of risers, instrumentalists coming forth from the orchestral pit. When I sought to understand what this preparation was for, I sensed the Lord telling me, that Darryl and I were to take and dispatch this rehearsal of worship and artists into the cathedrals of the world, which were at one time dedicated to His glory, but over the centuries had become spiritually devoid of His spirit. The purpose of these gatherings would be to declare the sovereignty and majesty of the coming King of the nations. The conclusion of these celebrations would present His coronation here on earth as He returns to usher His bride up to the wedding and therefore we would call them Coronation Celebrations.


Afterwards, I remember returning to the rehearsal hall, where everyone was picking up their things. I remember being overwhelmed with the immensity of such a project and asked the Lord out loud. “How would it be possible to fund such a movement as this?” I believe He told me, that by speaking the vision and making it plain, people would be drawn and respond in obedience to its implementation. I then recall that some people who did not even seem to be listening came up to me and started responding to the various needs that would be required because the Lord desired their involvement.


We believe that these world-wide Coronation celebrations would be to restore God’s presence in the National religious monuments and upper levels of society which would flow down to all people to prepare and demonstrate through worship in the arts, the necessity to know Him and dwell into His presence as He prepares us for His return and the difficult times which will accompany them.

Performing Arts Ministries, 39325 Crooked Bridge Lane, Leesburg, VA 20175